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Caleb Cox
Caleb Cox

How Wavelets and Filter Banks Revolutionized Signal Processing and Data Analysis

Wavelets and Filter Banks: A Book Review

Wavelets and filter banks are two powerful mathematical tools that have revolutionized the field of signal processing and data analysis. They enable efficient representation, compression, enhancement, detection, and synthesis of signals and images in various domains. In this article, we will review a book that explains wavelets and filter banks to both engineers and mathematicians. The book is titled "Wavelets and Filter Banks" by Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen, published by SIAM in 1996. We will summarize the main topics covered in the book, highlight its strengths and weaknesses, and provide some suggestions for further reading.

Wavelets And Filter Banks By Strang And Nguyen.pdf



In this section, we will introduce the concepts of wavelets and filter banks, explain why they are important for signal processing and data analysis, and describe the main features of the book by Strang and Nguyen.

What are wavelets and filter banks?

Wavelets are functions that can be used to decompose a signal into different frequency components. They have two key properties: localization and scaling. Localization means that wavelets are concentrated in both time (or space) and frequency domains, which allows them to capture both global and local features of a signal. Scaling means that wavelets can be dilated or compressed to match different frequency bands of a signal, which allows them to adapt to different levels of resolution.

Filter banks are systems that can be used to implement wavelet transforms. They consist of a set of filters that split a signal into different frequency subbands. The filters can be lowpass or highpass, depending on whether they pass or block low or high frequencies. The filters can also be orthogonal or biorthogonal, depending on whether they preserve or modify the energy or inner products of a signal. The filters can also be linear phase or nonlinear phase, depending on whether they preserve or distort the phase or shape of a signal.

Why are they important for signal processing and data analysis?

Wavelets and filter banks are important for signal processing and data analysis because they offer several advantages over traditional methods such as Fourier analysis or cosine transforms. Some of these advantages are:

  • They can handle nonstationary signals, which have time-varying characteristics or structures.

  • They can provide multiresolution analysis, which reveals different details or features of a signal at different scales or resolutions.

  • They can achieve compact representation, which reduces the redundancy or complexity of a signal while preserving its essential information.

  • They can enable efficient computation, which reduces the time or space complexity of algorithms for processing or analyzing signals.

  • They can facilitate applications, which exploit the properties or capabilities of wavelets and filter banks for various tasks such as compression, enhancement, detection, synthesis, etc.

What are the main features of the book by Strang and Nguyen?

The book by Strang and Nguyen is one of the most comprehensive and accessible books on wavelets and filter banks. It approaches the subject with a major emphasis on the filter structures attached to wavelets. Those filters are the key to algorithmic efficiency and they are well developed throughout signal processing. The book covers both the theory and the applications of wavelets and filter banks, with a balance between rigor and intuition. The book also provides many examples and MATLAB codes to illustrate the concepts and techniques. Some of the main features of the book are:

  • It introduces the basics of signals, filters, and filter banks in a clear and concise way.

  • It explains the principles of wavelets and multiresolution analysis in a logical and coherent way.

  • It presents the details of orthogonal and biorthogonal filter banks and wavelets in a systematic and thorough way.

  • It discusses the design methods and properties of various types of filters and filter banks in a practical and informative way.

  • It demonstrates the applications of wavelets and filter banks in various fields such as image processing, audio processing, data compression, etc. in a relevant and interesting way.


In this section, we will review the chapter on filters, which covers the basic concepts and techniques of filters and their role in signal processing and wavelet analysis.

What are filters and how do they work?

Filters are functions or systems that modify a signal by passing or blocking certain frequency components. They can be represented by impulse responses, transfer functions, or difference equations. They can be classified into two types: finite impulse response (FIR) filters or infinite impulse response (IIR) filters. FIR filters have finite-length impulse responses, which means that they have a finite number of coefficients or taps. IIR filters have infinite-length impulse responses, which means that they have feedback loops or recursion.

Filters work by convolving a signal with their impulse response, which is equivalent to multiplying their transfer function with the Fourier transform of the signal. The output of a filter is then given by the inverse Fourier transform of the product. Filters can also be implemented by using difference equations, which relate the input and output samples of a signal by using linear combinations of past and present values.

What are the types of filters and their properties?

Filters can be categorized into different types based on their frequency response or magnitude response. Some of the common types of filters are:

  • Lowpass filters, which pass low frequencies and block high frequencies.

  • Highpass filters, which pass high frequencies and block low frequencies.

  • Bandpass filters, which pass a certain range of frequencies and block others.

  • Bandstop filters, which block a certain range of frequencies and pass others.

  • Allpass filters, which pass all frequencies but change their phase.

Filters can also be characterized by their properties such as:

  • Causality, which means that the output depends only on the present and past values of the input.

  • Stability, which means that the output remains bounded for any bounded input.

  • Linearity, which means that the output satisfies the superposition principle for any linear combination of inputs.

  • Time-invariance, which means that the output does not change if the input is shifted in time.

  • BIBO stability, which means that the output is bounded for any input that has a finite L1 norm.

How are filters designed and implemented?

Filters can be designed by using various methods such as windowing, frequency sampling, optimal approximation, etc. These methods aim to find the filter coefficients or taps that satisfy certain specifications or criteria such as passband ripple, stopband attenuation, transition width, etc. Filters can also be designed by using graphical tools such as MATLAB's Filter Design Toolbox or fdatool.

Filters can be implemented by using various techniques such as direct form, cascade form, parallel form, lattice form, etc. These techniques aim to find efficient ways to realize the difference equations or transfer functions of filters by using hardware or software components such as adders, multipliers, delays, etc. Filters can also be implemented by using MATLAB's Signal Processing Toolbox or filter function.

Filter Banks

In this section, we will review the chapter on filter banks, which covers the basic concepts and techniques of filter banks and their role in multiresolution analysis and wavelet transforms.

What are filter banks and how do they work?

Filter banks are systems that consist of a set of filters that split a signal into different frequency subbands. They can be represented by block diagrams or matrix equations. They can be classified into two types: analysis filter banks or synthesis filter banks. Analysis filter banks decompose a signal into different frequency subbands, and synthesis filter banks combine different frequency subbands into a single signal. The analysis and synthesis filter banks are designed to satisfy certain conditions such as perfect reconstruction, orthogonality, biorthogonality, etc. The analysis and synthesis filter banks can also be represented by matrices or polyphase structures.

What are the types of filter banks and their properties?

Filter banks can be categorized into different types based on their structure or properties. Some of the common types of filter banks are:

  • Two-channel filter banks, which split a signal into two subbands using a lowpass and a highpass filter.

  • M-channel filter banks, which split a signal into M subbands using M bandpass filters.

  • Uniform filter banks, which split a signal into equal-width subbands.

  • Nonuniform filter banks, which split a signal into unequal-width subbands.

  • Critically sampled filter banks, which have the same number of output samples as input samples.

  • Oversampled filter banks, which have more output samples than input samples.

  • Perfect reconstruction filter banks, which can reconstruct the input signal exactly from the output subbands.

  • Orthogonal filter banks, which have orthogonal analysis and synthesis filters.

  • Biorthogonal filter banks, which have biorthogonal analysis and synthesis filters.

Filter banks can also be characterized by their properties such as:

  • Causality, which means that the output depends only on the present and past values of the input.

  • Stability, which means that the output remains bounded for any bounded input.

  • Linearity, which means that the output satisfies the superposition principle for any linear combination of inputs.

  • Time-invariance, which means that the output does not change if the input is shifted in time.

  • BIBO stability, which means that the output is bounded for any input that has a finite L1 norm.

How are filter banks used for multiresolution analysis and wavelet transforms?

Filter banks are used for multiresolution analysis and wavelet transforms by applying them iteratively to the lowpass subband of a signal. This results in a hierarchical decomposition of the signal into different levels of resolution or scale. Each level consists of a lowpass approximation subband and one or more highpass detail subbands. The lowpass approximation subband contains the coarse or global features of the signal, while the highpass detail subbands contain the fine or local features of the signal. The wavelet transform is obtained by collecting all the detail subbands across all levels. The inverse wavelet transform is obtained by combining all the approximation and detail subbands using a synthesis filter bank.

The figure below shows an example of a two-channel filter bank applied iteratively to obtain a three-level wavelet decomposition of a signal. The analysis filters are denoted by H0(z) and H1(z), and the synthesis filters are denoted by F0(z) and F1(z). The downsampling and upsampling factors are denoted by N. The lowpass approximation subbands are denoted by A0(n), A1(n), A2(n), and A3(n), and the highpass detail subbands are denoted by D1(n), D2(n), and D3(n).

![Wavelet decomposition using a two-channel filter bank]( Applications

In this section, we will review some of the applications of wavelets and filter banks in various fields such as image processing, audio processing, data compression, etc. We will also see how the book provides examples and MATLAB codes for these applications.

What are some of the applications of wavelets and filter banks in various fields?

Wavelets and filter banks have many applications in various fields because they can exploit the properties or capabilities of wavelets and filter banks for various tasks such as compression, enhancement, detection, synthesis, etc. Some of these applications are:

  • Image processing: Wavelets and filter banks can be used for image compression (e.g., JPEG 2000), image enhancement (e.g., denoising, deblurring, edge detection), image analysis (e.g., segmentation, feature extraction, classification), image synthesis (e.g., inpainting, super-resolution, texture synthesis), etc.

  • Audio processing: Wavelets and filter banks can be used for audio compression (e.g., MP3, AAC), audio enhancement (e.g., noise reduction, equalization, reverberation), audio analysis (e.g., pitch detection, onset detection, beat tracking), audio synthesis (e.g., sound effects, music synthesis, speech synthesis), etc.

  • Data compression: Wavelets and filter banks can be used for data compression of various types of signals or data (e.g., images, audio, video, text, biomedical signals, etc.) by exploiting their sparsity or redundancy in the wavelet domain.

  • Data analysis: Wavelets and filter banks can be used for data analysis of various types of signals or data (e.g., time series, signals with transients or singularities, signals with multiscale or multifractal features, etc.) by exploiting their localization or scaling properties in the wavelet domain.

  • Data synthesis: Wavelets and filter banks can be used for data synthesis of various types of signals or data (e.g., fractals, textures, natural phenomena, artistic effects, etc.) by exploiting their generative or creative capabilities in the wavelet domain.

How does the book provide examples and MATLAB codes for these applications?

The book provides many examples and MATLAB codes for these applications in the last chapter. The examples are chosen to illustrate the concepts and techniques of wavelets and filter banks in a relevant and interesting way. The MATLAB codes are provided to make effective use of the MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox. Some of the examples and MATLAB codes are:

  • Image compression using JPEG 2000: The book explains the principles and steps of JPEG 2000 image compression standard, which uses a biorthogonal wavelet transform and an embedded block coding algorithm. The book also provides a MATLAB code that implements JPEG 2000 using the functions in the Wavelet Toolbox.

  • Audio compression using MP3: The book explains the principles and steps of MP3 audio compression standard, which uses a filter bank and a perceptual coding algorithm. The book also provides a MATLAB code that implements MP3 using the functions in the Signal Processing Toolbox.

  • Data compression using wavelet packets: The book explains the concept and technique of wavelet packets, which are generalizations of wavelets that allow more flexible decomposition of signals into subbands. The book also provides a MATLAB code that implements data compression using wavelet packets by using the functions in the Wavelet Toolbox.

  • Data analysis using wavelet scalograms: The book explains the concept and technique of wavelet scalograms, which are graphical representations of the wavelet coefficients as a function of time and scale. The book also provides a MATLAB code that implements data analysis using wavelet scalograms by using the functions in the Wavelet Toolbox.

  • Data synthesis using inverse wavelet transform: The book explains the concept and technique of inverse wavelet transform, which is the process of reconstructing a signal from its wavelet coefficients. The book also provides a MATLAB code that implements data synthesis using inverse wavelet transform by using the functions in the Wavelet Toolbox.


In this article, we have reviewed a book that explains wavelets and filter banks to both engineers and mathematicians. The book is titled "Wavelets and Filter Banks" by Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen, published by SIAM in 1996. We have summarized the main topics covered in the book, highlighted its strengths and weaknesses, and provided some suggestions for further reading.

The book is one of the most comprehensive and accessible books on wavelets and filter banks. It covers both the theory and the applications of wavelets and filter banks, with a balance between rigor and intuition. It also provides many examples and MATLAB codes to illustrate the concepts and techniques. The book is ideal as an introduction to the principles of wavelets and filter banks and as a reference for the analysis and applications.

The book is not without limitations or drawbacks. Some of them are:

  • The book is somewhat outdated as it was published in 1996. Some of the topics or applications may not reflect the current state-of-the-art or trends in wavelets and filter banks research or development.

  • The book is somewhat biased towards orthogonal or biorthogonal filter banks and wavelets. Some of the other types or aspects of filter banks and wavelets such as nonuniform, oversampled, complex-valued, multidimensional, directional, etc. are not covered or discussed in depth.

  • The book is somewhat mathematical or technical for some readers who may not have a strong background or interest in mathematics or signal processing. Some of the concepts or techniques may be too abstract or complicated for some readers who may prefer more intuitive or practical explanations or examples.

Despite these limitations or drawbacks, the book is still a valuable and useful resource for anyone who wants to learn or apply wavelets and filter banks. The book can be supplemented by other books or materials that cover the topics or applications that are not included or emphasized in the book. Some of these books or materials are:

  • "A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing" by Stephane Mallat, published by Academic Press in 2008. This book provides a comprehensive and modern treatment of wavelets and signal processing, with a focus on sparse representations and applications.

  • "Wavelets and Subband Coding" by Martin Vetterli and Jelena Kovacevic, published by Prentice Hall in 1995. This book provides a rigorous and detailed presentation of wavelets and subband coding, with a focus on filter banks and perfect reconstruction.

  • "Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis" by Donald B. Percival and Andrew T. Walden, published by Cambridge University Press in 2006. This book provides a statistical and practical perspective on wavelets and time series analysis, with a focus on applications in various fields.

  • "Wavelets: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications" edited by C.K. Chui, L. Montefusco, and L. Puccio, published by Academic Press in 1994. This book provides a collection of articles by leading experts on wavelets and their applications in various fields.

  • "MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox User's Guide" by MathWorks, available online at This guide provides a comprehensive and user-friendly introduction to the MATLAB Wavelet Toolbox, which is a software package for wavelet analysis and synthesis.


Here are some frequently asked questions about wavelets and filter banks:

  • What is the difference between wavelets and Fourier transform?

  • What are the advantages of wavelets over Fourier transform?

  • What are the types of wavelets and how are they different?

What are the applications of


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